This section contains scenes of violence and other explicit material.

Title: Animare - a shadow theater play
Director: Dietmar Post & Lucía Palacios
Duration: 52 min 31 sec
Year: 2015
Format: Download (mp3 & wav)
Nationality: Germany, Spain
Featuring: Gisela Oberbeck & Limpe Fuchs

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  • Gisela Oberbeck & Limpe Fuchs /

    MP3 format
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  • Gisela Oberbeck & Limpe Fuchs /

    WAV format
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  • Animare – Trails in the World’s Chaparral
    is a story about creation and decay, about movement and static, about growth and decrease, about the vast source of nature and change. It’s a meditation of light and darkness and sound and silence.
    Objects come into being and vanish, they move or stand still, they grow or shrink. They are found in nature: whole plants, stalks, roots, panicles, bones, stones, which obtain our interest. Also shaped forms of paper, cut or torn, which communicate with nature. Each sound has also a sound shadow and each shadow contains a sound. In the performance tension is created through slow movement and the dialog with the sounds.
    in October 2010 Animare was performed during the culture days in Sophienkirche in München-Riem. An exhibition of Gisela Oberbeck was shown: a series of paper cuts, which figured vanished or threatened plants and they were integrated into the performance.


    The "painted or (re-) corded" film
    A text by Dietmar Post & Lucía Palacios
    As filmmakers, it is important the performance we film will be recorded unadulterated. At the same time we do select by positioning and framing the camera, i.e. we watch subjectively. In principle we try to edit inside the camera because we would like to show the presentation in its entirety. It is crucial to know that most of the time we only work with one single camera. The camera is not rigidly tied to a tripod because we want to be able to react at any given moment to what is happening within the spontaneous/improvised performance. Consequently our work turns into an active composition during the show. It could be called a form of drawing (in German the term "drawing" inhabits the word "recording") with the camera. As with all spontaneous/improvised art this sometimes works out nicely, other times it fails poorly. The question that drives us is the question friends or our children at home will ask us: What did you see? Could you tell us? For us it is easy due to the fact that both, visually and aurally , we can (re-) play our direct impression because we had filmed (drawn) and *recorded it (*the word "recorded" in German also inhabits the word "cutting/editing").


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